JBTS Volume 9 | Issue 1
JBTS 9.1 Biblical-Theological Systems
- Introduction to the Biblical-Theological Systems by Daniel S. Diffey and Cory M. Marsh
- Traditional Dispensationalism by James I. Fazio
- Progressive Dispensationalism by Michael J. Vlach
- What is Progressive Covenantalism by Stephen J. Wellum
- Introducing Reformed Covenant Theology by Harrison Perkins
- The Kingdom of God: A Traditional Dispensational View by Kyle C. Dunham
- Prophets, Priests, and Kings through Christ: The Two Witnesses in Revelation 11:3–13 and the Regenerate Church by Joshua M. Greever
- The Fulfillment of the Land Promise in The Epistle to the Hebrews: A Critique of Dispensationalism by Matthew H. Emadi
JBTS Volume 8 | Issue 1

JBTS 8.1 Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism in the US and Beyond (Full Issue)
- Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism: Missional, Intellectual, Theologically Diverse, Complex, and Increasingly Global by Ryan A. Brandt and Amber Thomas Reynolds
- American Evangelical Missions Since 1910 by A. Scott Moreau
- Forgotten Voices in Early Twentieth-Century Evangelical Theology by Kenneth J. Stewart
- Bill Bright’s Four Spiritual Laws and Their Place in the History and Trajectory of Evangelical Soteriology by Sean McGever
- The Indelible Mark of Boon Mark Gittisarn on Twentieth-Century Christianity in Thailand: A Brief Biography by Karl Dahlfred
- Evangelicals Shift to the South, 1900-2020: Decentering Western Perspectives and Building Global Equality by Todd M. Johnson
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 7 | Issue 2

JBTS 7.2 (Full Issue)
- On Critiquing Social Trinitarianism: Problems with a Recent Attempt by Andrew Hollingsworth
- On Critiquing “on Critiquing Social Trinitarianism”: A Response to Andrew Hollingsworth by Samuel G. Parkison
- A Philosophical Analysis of J.R. Daniel Kirk’s A Man Attested by God by Timothy J. Pawl
- In Other Words? the Difficult Question of Jesus’s Divinity in Schleiermacher by Matt Jenson
- Theology in Missional Mode: Harvie Conn’s Contribution by Michael W. Goheen
- A Rose is Not Just a Rose: Re-integrating Faith with Learning in the Post-Christian Academy by Peter Rasor
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 7 | Issue 1

JBTS 7.1 Aramaic and the Bible (Full Issue)
- Introduction to Aramaic and the Bible by Adam J. Howell
- The Value of Egyptian Aramaic for Biblical Studies by Collin Cornell
- “All Manner of Music:” The Author of Daniel 3 as Master Storyteller by H. A. Hopgood
- How Targum Onqelos Can Help Discern Between the Biblical Hebrew Frequentative and Preterital Imperfects by Richard McDonald
- Aramaic to Greek Transliterations in the Western Middle Aramaic by Andrew Messmer
- Targumic Forerunners: How Codex Colbertinus-Sarravianus (G) Demonstrates Targumic Tendencies by Matthew R. Miller
- Understanding the Paraclete Title: Any Help from the Targums? by John Ronning
- Genesis 3:15 in the New Testament and in the Pentateuchal Targums: Enmity as a Spiritual Conflict by Iosif J. Zhakevich
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 6 | Issue 2

JBTS 6.2 Herman Bavinck (1854-1921): A Centenary Celebration (Full Issue)
- Introduction to Herman Bavinck (1854-1921): A Centenary Celebration by N. Gray Sutanto and Justin McLendon
- Herman Bavinck on Antirevolutionary Politics by George Harinck
- Planting Tulips in the Rainforest: Herman and Johan Bavinck on Christianity in East and West by James Eglinton
- Encyclopedia Bavinck: The Case of the History of the Theological Encyclopedia by Greg Parker
- Jesus the Law Restorer: Law and the Imitation of Christ in Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Ethics by Jess Joustra
- Bavinck’s Doctrine of God: Absolute, Divine Personality by Gayle Doornbos
- Dogmatics: A Progressive Science? by Cam Clausing
- Revisiting Bavinck and the Beatific Vision by Cory Brock
- Christology and Economic Ethics: Herman Bavinck’s Prophet, Priest, and King in the Marketplace by Matthew Kaemingk
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 6 | Issue 1

JBTS 6.1 (Full Issue)
Part 1 The ‘Christus Odium’ Variety of Penal Substitution in Contemporary Perspective
- The ‘Christus Odium’ Variety of Penal Substitution in Contemporary Perspective: A Brief Editorial Introduction by Ryan A. Brandt
- Which Penalty? Whose Atonement? Revisiting Christus Odium by Joshua R. Farris and S. Mark Hamilton
- A Less Odious Atonement Requires a More Classical God: Engaging Farris and Hamilton on Christus Odium by Derek Rishmawy
- It Was the Will of the Father to Crush Him: The Day of Atonement and the Cross of Christ by Owen Strachan
- The Father’s Love for the Son in Penal Substitutionary Atonement by Ryan Rippee
- Performing the Surgery, Saving the Patient: Reduplication, Proper Christological Predication, and Critiques of Christus Odium by Ty Kieser
Part 2 Open Articles
- Understanding and Applying Exodus 19:4-6: A Case Study in Exegesis and Theology by Jason S. DeRouchie
- The Trouble with Inferring Divine Punishment: A Response to James S. Spiegel by Gregory L. Bock
- A Reply to Gregory Bock by James S. Spiegel
- Papal Bull: A Response to Contemporary Papal Scholarship by Tyler Dalton McNabb
- The Beginning of Days: A Response to Jeremy Lyon’s “Genesis 1:1-3 and the Literary Boundary of Day One by John B. Carpenter
- The Growing Tree of the Global Church: Review Article of Robert F. Rea and Steven D. Cone, A Global Church History: The Great Tradition Through Cultures, Continents, and Centuries (London: T. & T Clark Bloomsbury, 2019), pp. xxviii + 847 by Michael McClymond
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 5 | Issue 2

JBTS 5.2 The Catholicity of the Church: An Interdenominational Exploration (Full Issue)
- An Introduction to Catholicity: An Editorial Preface to this Special Issue by Ryan A. Brandt and Matthey Y. Emerson
Part 1: A House with Many Rooms? Catholicity in Denominational Perspective
- The One Church, the Many Churches: A Catholic Approach to Ecclesial Unity and Diversity—with Special Attention to Abraham Kuyper’s Ecclesiastical Epistemology by Eduardo Echeverria
- Surely a Catholic Church: The Orthodox Church as the Church by John Mark Reynolds
- Catholicity from an Anglican Perspective by Eugene R. Schlesinger
- Catholicity in the Lutheran Tradition by David R. Maxwell
- “Give Me Thine Hand”: Catholicity in the Wesleyan-Methodist Tradition by Matt O’Reilly
- Catholicity in Presbyterian Perspective by D. Blair Smith
- Catholicity from a Baptist Perspective by Derek C. Hatch
- “We Have Come to Fullness”: Toward a Pentecostal Catholicity by Chris E. W. Green
Part 2: Baptism—A Gordian Knot for Catholicity? An Extended Dialogue Between Peter J. Leithart and R. Lucas Stamps
- Paedobaptism and Catholicity by Peter J. Leithart
- Credobaptism and Catholicity by R. Lucas Stamps
- A Response to R. Lucas Stamps by Peter J. Leithart
- A Response to Peter J. Leithart by R. Lucas Stamps
- Final Rejoinder to R. Lucas Stamps by Peter J. Leithart
- Final Rejoinder to Peter J. Leithart by R. Lucas Stamps
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 5 | Issue 1

JBTS 5.1 (Full Issue)
- Introduction: Ephesians and the Powers by John Frederick
- ‘The Ruler of the Power of the Air’ in the Salvific Story of Ephesians 2 by Daniel K. Darko
- “You Have Been Raised with Christ”: Investigating the Spatial Portrait of New Creation in Ephesians by Luke R. Hoselton
- Power and the “Powers” in Thomas Aquinas’ Lectura ad Ephesios by Eric Covington
- Three Cycles of Growth: Warfare and Spiritual Metamorphosis in John and Paul by Mark R. Kreitzer and Nancy C. Kreitzer
- The Armor of God, the Gospel of Christ, and Standing Firm against the ‘Powers’ (Ephesians 6:10–20) by Joshua M. Greever
- Ephesians and Evangelical Activism: The Covenantal, Corporate, and Missional Components of the Ecclesial Armor of God by John Frederick
- Considering the Impact of Missiology on Contemporary Understandings of “Principalities and Powers” by Simon Gomersall
- Reading Ephesians in Dialogue with the Powers in Colossians by Vicky Balabanski
- Bonhoeffer and the Way of the Crucified: Methodeia, Doctrine, and the ‘Powers’ by Jonathan K. Sharpe and Jerry Pilla
- Conclusion: Ephesians and the Powers by Joshua M. Greever
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 4 | Issue 2

JBTS 4.2 (Full Issue)
- Book Review Article of Divine Simplicity: A Dogmatic Account by Paul R. Hinlicky
- Book Review Article of Divine Simplicity: Christ the Crisis of Metaphysics by Steven J. Duby
- Response to Steven J. Duby by Paul R. Hinlicky
- Response to Paul R. Hinlicky by Steven J. Duby
- Idolatry: A Rhetorical-Critical Analysis of Deuteronomy 4:15–16, 23 by Joshua K. Smith
- “If Christ be not Raised”; If Peter was not the First Pope: Parallel Cases of Indispensable Doctrinal Foundations by Jerry L. Walls
- Early Christian Liturgy: A Reconstruction of All Known Liturgical Components and Their Respective Order by Andrew Messmer
- Reforming Credobaptism: A Westminster Alternative for Reformed Baptist Identity by Jordan L. Steffaniak
- “It’s the Wrath of God”: Reflections on Inferring Divine Punishment by James S. Spiegel
- Comparative Ecclesiology: Roger Haight’s Christian Community in History for Evangelical Resourcement by Justin L. McLendon
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 4 | Issue 1

JBTS 4.1 The Israelite Monarchy (Full Issue)
- A Biblical Theology of the Israelite Monarchy by Eugene H. Merrill
- Monarchy in Judges: Positive or Negative? by Mary L. Conway
- The Role of the Philistines in the Establishment of the Israelite Monarchy by Andrew E. Steinmann
- Isaiah 7:12–16 — Cutting Down the Davidic Tree: Pivotal Point in the Israelite Monarchy by Peter J. Gentry
- King Hezekiah in Isaiah by Paul R. Raabe
- The Future David of Psalm 101: Davidic Hope Sustained in Book IV of the Psalter by David ‘Gunner’ Gundersen
- Individual versus Collective Retribution in the Chronicler’s Ideology of Exile by Gary Edward Schnittjer
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 3 | Issue 2

JBTS 3.2 (Full Issue)
- Eschatological Emphases in 1 Thessalonians and Galatians: Distinct Argumentative Strategies Related to External Conflict and Audience Response by John Anthony Dunne
- Christocentric Letters: Christology in the Greetings of Ignatius’s Romans by Jonathon Lookadoo
- An Armored Household: Isaiah 59 as the Key to Ephesians 5:21-6:9 and 6:10-17 by Holly J. Carey
- This is My Beloved Son, Whom I Hate? A Critique of the Christus Odium Variant of Penal Substitution by Joshua R. Farris and S. Mark Hamilton
- Philemon: Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by David Seal
- Exegesis by Story: The Disciplined Imagination of the World of Scripture by Mike Baird
- Unique Hermeneutical Issues in the Homiletical Treatment of Historical Texts: A Case Study on 1 Kings 21:1-29 by Brian Koning
- Isaiah 53 in the Theology of the Book of Isaiah by Paul R. Raabe
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 3 | Issue 1

JBTS 3.1 Pastoral Theology (Full Issue)
- Current Issues in Pastoral Theology: An Editorial Introduction by Justin L. McLendon
- Elder as Shepherd: Implicit Use of the Shepherd Metaphor by the Apostle Paul by Josh Branum
- Theological Preaching and Preaching Through Theology: The Priority of the Pastor-Theologian by Gary L. Shultz Jr.
- Preaching Psalm 46 to the People of God Today by Jonathan Master
- What Worship Leaders Need Their Pastors to Know: A Call to Theological Leadership in Worship by Matthew Ward
- A Way Forward for Pastor-Apologists: Navigating the Apologetic Method Debate by Joshua D. Chatraw
- Pastor Theologians, the Gospel, and the Ministry of Racial Conciliation by Benjamin D. Espinoza
- Light from the Third Great Awakening: Harold Ockenga and the Call to Future Pastor-Theologians by Owen Strachan
- Pastor-Scholar: The Pastor Theologian and Scholarship by Douglas Estes
- Pastoral Theology in a Missional Mode by Michael W. Goheen
- Toward a Theology of Pastoral Care in a Missional Mode by Andrew Zantingh
- The Care of Souls: John Calvin’s Shepherding Ministry by Marcus J. Serven
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 2 | Issue 2

JBTS 2.2 Christianity and the Philosophy of Science (Full Issue)
- Why Studying Philosophy of Science Matters: An Editorial Invitation and Introduction by Ryan A. Brandt
- Science and Christianity: The Three Big Questions by Josh A. Reeves
- Can Science Answer Life’s Big Questions? The Error of Allowing Naturalism to Dictate our Origins Models by John A. Bloom
- Christian Theology of Creation and the Metaphysical Foundations of Science by Joshua M. Moritz
- The “Conflict Thesis” of Science and Religion: a Nexus of Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Religion by R. Clinton Ohlers
- Responding to Perceived Theological Implications of Evolutionary Creation by J. B. Stump
- Divine Action and the World of Science: What Cosmology and Quantum Physics Teach Us about the Role of Providence in Nature by Bruce L. Gordon
- Paleoevil, Theodicy, and Models of Earth History by Kurt P. Wise
- The Final Word: Prisoners of Our Own Device by Steve Donaldson
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 2 | Issue 1

JBTS 2.1 (Full Issue)
- Theistic Evolution, Christian Knowledge and Culture’s Plausibility Structure by J. P. Moreland
- A Traditional Protestant Formulation of Sola Fide as the Source of Political Unity by Jonathan Leeman
- Humanity as City-Builders: Observations on Human Work from Hebrews’ Interpretation of Genesis 1-11 by Casey Croy
- Reading with the Masoretes: The Exegetical Value of the Masoretic Accents by Marcus A. Leman
- The Inherent Value of Work by Andrew J. Spencer
- Matthew’s Hermeneutical Methodology in Matthew 2:15 by Robert Yost
- Book Reviews
JBTS Volume 1

JBTS 1 Pauline Studies (Full Issue)
- Paul’s Doctrine of Justification: Ecclesiology or Soteriology? by Aaron O’Kelley
- The Cruciform Shape Of Paul’s Kingdom Theology by David Burnette
- The Righteousness of God as “The Gate to Paradise”: A Review Article of the Righteousness of God by Charles Lee Irons by Joshua M. Greever
- A Critical Review Of Irons’ The Righteousness Of God by John Frederick
- Response To Two Reviews Of The Righteousness Of God by Charles Lee Irons
- Book Reviews