Biblical Theology

Review of New Covenant Theology: Description, Definition, Defense by Wells and Zaspel

Wells, Tom, and Fred G. Zaspel. New Covenant Theology: Description, Definition, Defense. Frederick, MD: New Covenant Media, 2002, $79.99. Paperback. How one puts together the Old and New Testaments is a massive conversation. Does one emphasize continuity or discontinuity between the testaments? How does one understand the relation between Israel and the church? What do those in the New Covenant do with the Old Covenant law? And on and on one could go asking relevant questions on this topic. Any endeavor to bring clarity to these questions and this conversation is both a daunting and a needed task, which is why I am thankful for the time-honored classic New Covenant Theology: Description, Definition, Defense by Tom Wells and Fred Zaspel. Though written over twenty years ago, this work brings clarity and conviction to this conversation from a New Covenant Theology (NCT) perspective that is still relevant today. Tom Wells is a writer and preacher who lives in West Chester, Ohio. He pastored The King’s Chapel (Reformed Baptist Church) in West Chester for nearly thirty years. He has published several books including Come to Me!, Christian: Take Heart!, A Price for a People, The Moral Basis of Faith, and A Vision…

Review of And Was Made Man: Mind, Metaphysics, and Incarnation by Robin Le Poidevin
Book Reviews , Featured , Philosophy , Theology / February 23, 2024

Poidevin, Robin Le. And Was Made Man: Mind, Metaphysics, and Incarnation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, 256, $84.00, hardcover. And Was Made Man by Robin Le Poidevin is an original, creative, and daring reflective proposal on the metaphysics of the incarnation. Poidevin is emeritus philosopher of philosophy at the University of Leeds. He is well-known for his work in the metaphysics of time having authored several books and numerous essays. Though he is an agnostic, Poidevin is interested in the philosophical issues raised by the incarnation and active in publishing in the various areas of the philosophy of religion. The book is divided into two main parts: (1) models of the incarnation and (2) various problems or challenges to the incarnation. He covers four broad models. First, on the relational compositional model the Son as joined together with a concrete human nature, thus the Son becomes a part of (though not identical to) a divine-human composite. Second, on the transformational compositional the Son, by acquiring a concrete human nature, is transformed into a divine-human composite. Third, on the divided mind model, which may or may not be “compositional,” the Son has two steams of consciousness in the single person. Finally,…

Review of Superheroes Can’t Save You: Epic Examples of Historic Heresies by Todd Miles

Miles, Todd. Superheroes Can’t Save You: Epic Examples of Historic Heresies. Nashville: B&H 2019. pp. 208, $20 paperback. Todd L. Miles is professor of Theology and Director of the Master of Theology program at Western Seminary in Portland, OR. We are easily enamored with escaping our normal everyday lives to enjoy watching our favorite superhero destroy the evil villain, bring justice to the oppressors, and save the day. Whether you are a Marvel or DC fanatic, most people cannot resist seeing the newest superhero movie that seems to drop every few months. The connection and love we have with superheroes seem to highlight a deeper truth that as humans, we all desire someone who is more powerful and stronger than us to come and save us from the difficulties and sufferings in our lives. All superheroes are attempts to create a “savior-like figure” who can rescue us from our depravity using their super-human powers. Yet as Todd Miles demonstrates in his book, Superheroes Can’t Save You, every superhero that we have created is an inadequate picture of the true hero of the story of reality: Jesus Christ. Superheroes Can’t Save You attempts to show how each one of our coveted…

JBTS 8.1 Full Issue Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism in the US and Beyond
Articles , Church History , Featured / December 7, 2023

JBTS Volume 8 | Issue 1 JBTS 8.1 Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism in the US and Beyond (Full Issue) Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism: Missional, Intellectual, Theologically Diverse, Complex, and Increasingly Global by Ryan A. Brandt and Amber Thomas Reynolds American Evangelical Missions Since 1910 by A. Scott Moreau Forgotten Voices in Early Twentieth-Century Evangelical Theology by Kenneth J. Stewart Bill Bright’s Four Spiritual Laws and Their Place in the History and Trajectory of Evangelical Soteriology by Sean McGever The Indelible Mark of Boon Mark Gittisarn on Twentieth-Century Christianity in Thailand: A Brief Biography by Karl Dahlfred Evangelicals Shift to the South, 1900-2020: Decentering Western Perspectives and Building Global Equality by Todd M. Johnson Book Reviews Share this on: FacebookTwitterLinkedin

JBTS 7.2 Full Issue
Articles , Featured / September 15, 2023

JBTS 7.2 On Critiquing Social Trinitarianism: Problems with a Recent Attempt by Andrew Hollingsworth On Critiquing “on Critiquing Social Trinitarianism”: A Response to Andrew Hollingsworth by Samuel G. Parkison A Philosophical Analysis of J.R. Daniel Kirk’s A Man Attested by God by Timothy J. Pawl In Other Words? the Difficult Question of Jesus’s Divinity in Schleiermacher by Matt Jenson Theology in Missional Mode: Harvie Conn’s Contribution by Michael W. Goheen A Rose is Not Just a Rose: Re-integrating Faith with Learning in the Post-Christian Academy by Peter Rasor Book Reviews Share this on: FacebookTwitterLinkedin