The Father’s Love for the Son in Penal Substitutionary Atonement by Ryan Rippee

December 22, 2021

The Father’s Love for the Son in Penal Substitutionary Atonement

Ryan Rippee

President, The Cornerstone Bible College and Seminary


Abstract: In what Joshua Farris and S. Mark Hamilton label the Christus Odium variant of penal substitutionary atonement, the Son becomes the object of the Father’s perfect hatred on the cross. However, within a penal substitutionary model of the atonement, when propitiation was made, did it necessitate that the Father hates the Son? No, on the contrary, a biblical model of penal substitutionary atonement is the most glorious display of the Father’s love for his Son in the Spirit. The Father’s eternal plan of the atonement is rooted in his love for the Son and brings him great pleasure in accomplishing his purpose at the cross. The Father sent the Son, empowered by the Spirit to be a penal substitutionary sacrifice so that those worshippers would not only see the glory of the Father in the face of Christ, but would experience the Father’s love in the Son by the indwelling Spirit. Further, the Father hates sin but cannot hate his Son, and so was greatly pleased that the Son laid down his life and took it up again, accomplishing redemption and propitiation and reconciliation as the perfect sacrifice for sin. For only as a substitute can he actually pay for sins, bring real forgiveness and make peace.

Key Words: penal substitution, Father’s wrath, atonement, work of Christ, Father’s love, forgiveness

Wrap Up

